These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Al Bahah is 65525. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Abha is 61321. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Ha’il is 55425. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Buraydah is 52361. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Unaizah is 51911. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Qassim, Buraidah, is 51431. What is the ZIP code of Buraidah Saudi Arabia? The Zip Code or Postal Code of Tabuk is 47711. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Badr is 46357. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Tayma is 45511. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Hafr Al-Batin is 39923. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Haradh is 36699. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Dhahran is 34464. Zip Codes of all cities of Saudi Arabia 1 Riyadh Postal Code: 12271 2 Jeddah Zip Code: 22233 3 Makkah Postal Code: 24231 4 Dammam Zip Code: 34223 5 Jubail Postal Code: 35713 6 Khobar Zip Code: 34714 7 Yanbu Postal Code: 46477 8 Taif Zip Code: 26511 9 Madinah Postal Code: 42311 10 Tabuk Zip Code: 47311 What is the ZIP code of Dhahran Saudi Arabia? The Zip Code or Postal Code of Jubail Industrial City is 35514. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Ras Tanura is 32816. The Zip Code or Postal Code of Dammam is 32241. What is the ZIP code of Dammam Saudi Arabia? What is the country code and area code of Saudi Arabia?Ĭountry phone codes +966 is the country calling code assigned to Saudi Arabia by the International Telecommunication Union. If you’re calling from one landline to another, directly dial the 7-digit number, unless calling from one city to another in which case use the area codes below. To make a local phone call to a Saudi mobile, dial 05 followed by the 8-digit number. The postal code of Jeddah is 21577, which also use as a zip code of Jeddah. 4 What is the ZIP code of Dhahran Saudi Arabia?.3 What is the ZIP code of Dammam Saudi Arabia?.2 How do I call a local number in Dammam?.