Jessie told them this was just part of her hyper fertile physiology, but the agency didn’t want to take any risks.Ashley and Brian both sympathized with Jessie, since no one would want to stay cooped up in a hospital, but they had to admit, they were both increasingly nervous about her pregnancy in the final weeks and they’d rather have her around lots of doctors and nurses when the big day comes.Jessie was in the biggest medical gown they had, but they only got that to her when she first came in. But even being around Jessie for two of her massive surrogacy pregnancies now, she didn’t think her boss would actually get overdue!Once Jessie hit forty one weeks pregnant, the surrogacy agency insisted she go to the hospital and remain under observation. “I know.”The idea that any woman could get to a full forty weeks pregnant with octuplets would have seemed ludicrous to Ashley before she met Jessie. “It can’t be…”“You said that three days ago,” Jessie sighed.“Oh, I know,” Ashley gulped. But with her titanic pregnant belly sticking out in front of her, and her swollen chest pressing up against her expectant stomach, she couldn’t even get her arms into place to sit and pout.“It won’t be long now,” Ashley said in a quiet voice, eyes squarely on Jessie’s massive spherical belly. She lifted her arms to cross them, trying to make herself comfortable in bed. “This is the part I don’t like,” she told Ashley.